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Practice Area

Jesse Bousquet Jr., Esq. specializes in landlord representation, focusing on Commercial Landlord-Tenant Law and Landlord Tenant & Real Estate Litigation.

Residential Landlord Law

Offering tailored legal solutions and advice to landlords, addressing various legal needs and concerns.

Non-Payment and Cause Evictions

Specialized expertise in assisting landlords with non-payment and cause evictions, ensuring efficient and effective legal solutions.

Real Estate Litigation

Protection of landlords' interests through effective legal strategies in property-related disputes and litigation.

Mold Litigation

Advocacy for landlords in resolving mold-related issues, minimizing liabilities and safeguarding their rights.

Civil Litigation

Representation in civil cases, advocating for landlords' rights and interests in a wide range of legal disputes.

Landlord Tenant & Real Estate Litigation

As dedicated advocates for landlords, we understand the intricate challenges that arise in the realm of landlord-tenant disputes and real estate litigation.

Housing Authorities

Welcome to our legal services in Housing Authorities matters, where we offer expert assistance to landlords issues related to housing authorities.

Fair Housing Law

Dedicated to upholding fair hou sing regulations, the firm guides landlords in understanding and complying with the legal requirements.

Community Associations

Support and counsel for landlords involved in community associations, ensuring understanding of obligations and compliance.

Landlord-Tenant Legal Advice

As an experienced and dedicated team, we understand the diverse legal needs and concerns that landlords may encounter, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Residential and Commercial Real Estate

Comprehensive legal services covering both residential and commercial real estate matters, guiding landlords at every stage.

Commercial Landlord-Tenant Law

The firm's significant focus is on representing commercial property owner/landlords.

Our Admission

Real numbers that matter!

Our achievement in the journey depicted in numbers




Taken business legalities


Years of Journey


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